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Forum of 9B Family
♥️Chào mừng bạn đến với 4rum của lớp 9B-Trường THCS.Huy Văn !♥️
Nếu đã là thành viên bạn hãy Đăng Nhập để tham gia vào các hoạt động của 4rum và nhận được quyền lợi khi tham gia 4rum♥️
Nếu bạn chưa là thành viên thì hãy Đăng Ký ngay để góp phần xây dựng 4rum 9B-F2 ♥️
Chúc bạn có những giây phút vui vẻ khi ở trong 4rum !


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Đề thi chuyên Anh AmsXem chủ đề cũ hơn Xem chủ đề mới hơn Go down
Sun May 15, 2011 12:03 am
Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Pisces

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 154
Vàng Vàng : 9999
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 24
Birthday* Birthday* : 17/03/1996
Join date Join date : 11/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Tương lai
Lớp trưởng
Lớp trưởng

Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Pisces

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 154
Vàng Vàng : 9999
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 24
Birthday* Birthday* : 17/03/1996
Join date Join date : 11/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Tương lai

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Đề thi chuyên Anh Ams Vide

Bài gửiTiêu đề: Đề thi chuyên Anh Ams

Tiêu Đề : Đề thi chuyên Anh Ams
9B-Fam-Forum kết nối cộng đồng 9B online

Trường THPT Hanoi - Amsterdam và Chu Văn An
Năm học: 1996 - 1997
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. (2.5 marks)

1. I remember ______ him once in my life.
A. to meet B. meeting C. to have met D. met
2. He has been waiting for this letter for days, and at ______ it has come.
A. last B. the end C. present D. the finish
3. The man who lives opposite us sometimes comes ______ for a cup of tea.
A. on B. over C. off D. to
4. There was a small room into ______ we all crowded.
A. which B. where C. that D. it
5. We were so late, we ______ had time to catch the train.
A. nearly B. almost C. hardly D. simply
6. Your work has been very good ______ this year.
A. so far B. by far C. as far as D. so long
7. Give her a telephone number to ring ______ she gets lost.
A. whether B. in case C. unless D. perhaps
8. Tell me ______ there is anything special that you would like to do.
A. that B. which C. so D. if
9. It was a great success. He succeeded ______ everyone laugh.
A. to make B. in make C. for making D. in making
10. He couldn't have known what was in the letter ______ he had written it himself.
A. until B. if C. unless D. if only

II. Fill each gap with a word or phrase. (2.5 marks)

1. He doesn't tell me since when ________________ English.
2. I don't know how far _________________ to the station.
3. She didn't tell me the reason _________________ his birthday party.
4. Tell me __________________ this box with.
5. If he had gone by bus, he ___________________ here now.

III. Read the text below. For questions 1 - 5 you are to choose one
best answer (a), (b), (c), or (d) to each question. (2.5 marks)

During the teenage years, many young people can at times be difficult to
talk to. They often seem to dislike being questioned. They may seem
unwilling to talk about their work in school. This is a normal
development at this age, though it can be very hard for parents to
understand. It is part of becoming independent, of teenagers trying to
to be adult while they are still growing up. Young people are usually
more willing to talk if they believe that questions are asked out of
real interest and not because people are trying to check up on them.
Parents should do their best to talk to their son or daughter about
school work and future plans but should not push them to talk if they
don't want to. Parents should also watch for the danger signs: some
young people in trying to be adult may experiment with alcohol or
smoking. Parents need to watch for any signs of unusual behavior which
may be connected with these and get help if necessary.

1. This is from a
a) parent's handbook b) teenage magazine
c) school timetable d) children's book
2. What is the writer trying to do?
a) to be amusing b) to be helpful
c) to be questionable d) to be sorry
3. Why do adults sometimes find teenagers difficult?
a) because most teenagers are quiet.
b) because teenagers don't want to talk to their parents.
c) because teenagers think adults are not honest.
d) because most teenagers hate adults.
4. When can you expect a young person to be more talkative than usual?
a) When people talk to them because they are really interested and not yet checking up on them.
b) When adults giv them a lot of money to spend.
c) When adults talk to them about something other than their work in school.
d) When adults talk to them about alcohol and smoking.
5. Some teenagers experiment with drinking or smoking because
a) they regard it as a mark of adulthood.
b) women like a smoking and drinking man.
c) cigarettes and alcohol are cheap.
d) cigarettes and alcohol are available everywhere.

IV. Arrange the following sentences to make a complete letter. (3 marks)

Dear Carla,

(a) It has only rained once - and the rest of the time we've had bright sunshine.
(b) Every evening we sit on the beach and admire the wonderful colors in the sky.
(c) I'm writing to tell you that unfortunately our holiday is almost over.
(d) I'll give you a ring when we get back.
(e) One day we even walked about 10km along the coast.
(f) We've had the most wonderful 3 weeks.
(g) The sunsets are beautiful, too.
(h) But as I said, unfortunately it's nearly over, and we'll be leaving on Sunday.
(i) It's wonderful scenery with rocky cliffs and little sandy beaches.
(j) The weather has been just great.
(k) We, therefore, have spent all day, everyday, outside - either at the beach or going for drives into the hills.
(l) And then when it gets dark, there are so many stars in the sky.
Lots of love,

V. Finish each sentence so that it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. (2 marks)

1. He often gets bad marks in history as he doesn't work hard at it.
2. He borrowed my book, but he forgot to return it.
3. We had never been so happy before.
We were...
4. People said that he had done his test quite well.
He was...

VI. Correct the mistake if necessary. (2.5 marks)

1. I wish that I received this letter before the office closed.
2. My telephone has been out of work for two weeks now.
3. They have to do it right now, haven't they?
4. Mary was so angry with Tom that she threw a stone to him.
5. I think this film is most interesting.

VII. Fill each blank with a suitable word. (5 marks)

I know a boy __1__ Michael who has a remarkable talent. He knows an
incredible amount __2__ football teams and football leagues. He can
recite the names of the players, tell you the __3__ of every match __4__
last weekend and who __5__ the goals, and can give you the history of
any football club you care to name.
__6__ I find the most extraordinary of all is that he is as
knowledgeable about Spanish and German football as he is about English.
He spends a great amount of time going __7__ football magazines and the
sports pages of newspapers. He is quite and __8__ on football. __9__ he
does not play the game himself and __10__ goes very occasionally to a
Tài Sản của cungthuvn173
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Chữ ký của cungthuvn173

Sun May 15, 2011 12:03 am
Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Pisces

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 154
Vàng Vàng : 9999
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 24
Birthday* Birthday* : 17/03/1996
Join date Join date : 11/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Tương lai
Lớp trưởng
Lớp trưởng

Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Pisces

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 154
Vàng Vàng : 9999
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 24
Birthday* Birthday* : 17/03/1996
Join date Join date : 11/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Tương lai

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Đề thi chuyên Anh Ams Vide

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Tiêu Đề : Đề thi chuyên Anh Ams
9B-Fam-Forum kết nối cộng đồng 9B online

Trường THPT Hanoi - Amsterdam và Chu Văn An
Năm học: 1998 - 1999
Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH
Thời gian làm bài: 120 phút

I. Choose A, B, C or D to complete the sentences (2 marks)
1. His house has been sold ______ $ 1,000,000.
A. at B. for C. in D. with
2. Bread is usually ______ wheat.
A. made of B. made with C. made by D. made from
3. Peter, can I ______ you a drink?
A. buy for B. buy to C. buy D. invite
4. It isn't quite ______ that they will come to our party.
A. sure B. exact C. certain D. right
5. ______ goes to the bus; now we will have to walk home.
A. On time B. At once C. There D. Early
6. Don't hurry! There is no need ______.
A. running B. to run C. run D. you run
7. Mike had hoped ______ his letter.
A. her to answer B. that she answer
C. that she would answer D. her answering
8. Please write your answers ______ ink.
A. in B. with C. of D. by
9. Peter was not feeling well, so we gave him ______ to do than you.
A. fewer work B. less work C. little work D. least work
10. He spent half a year ______ this house.
A. to build B. building C. built D. on building
11. Will you ______ the door open?
A. leave B. allow C. permit D. give
12. What food should you eat if you want to ______ on weight?
A. take B. get C. put D. carry
13. It is a ______ skirt.
A. French cotton flowered B. cotton French flowered
C. flowered cotton French D. flowered French cotton
14. Do you know the beautiful girl ______?
A. sit in the car B. sat in the car
C. sitting in the car D. who sit in the car
15. The weather was cold. I wish it ______ warmer.
A. had been B. has been C. were D. was
16. Dickens ______ wrote a lot of interesting stories.
A. his is one of England's best-known writers
B. as one of England's best-known writers
C. besides one of England's best-known writers
D. one of England's best-known writers

II. Put the verb in brackets into the correct tense and form (2 marks)

Last night Mrs. Leidner (1. to go) to her room to rest as usual after we
just (2. to finish) dinner. I (3. to settle) her on her bed with plenty
of pillows and her book. I (4. to leave) the room when she (5. to call)
me back.
'Don't go, nurse, there (6. to be) something I (7. to want) to say to you.'
I (8. to turn) round and she (9. to tell) me to shut the door. I (10. to
do) it as I (11. to tell). She (12. to rise) up from the bed and (13.
to begin) to walk up and down. I (14. can) see that she (15. to make) up
her mind to something and I (16. not to like) to interrupt her.

III. Arrange the numbered sentences to make a complete dialogue (1.25 marks)

a. Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out tonight.
b. Tonight? You must be joking - it's too cold. What about coming round to my place? We could watch TV or something?
c. Look, if you really want to go somewhere, you could come with me to the library.
d. Hi, Michael! How are things?
e. Oh, I think it's half past eight or something. I'll just get the paper and have a look. Just hang on for a minute.
f. Hi, Liz. Good, thanks. What's new with you?
g. Well.. I was thinking of going to the school library to do a bit of study. What have you got in mind?
h. OK. Just joking. What time does it start?
i. I thought we could just go for a walk. May be down to that park near the beach.
k. Oh, come on.
l. Watch TV? That's all you ever want to do! I want to go out somewhere. That new Jane Fonda film is on in town. How about that?

IV. Write the second sentence so that it means the same as the first (2.25 marks)

1. The last time I went to the theatre was three years ago.
It is...
2. 'Who did you go to the cinema with?' she said to me.
She asked...
3. We are sorry we couldn't come to your birthday party.
We are sorry not...
4. 'I was born in 1983' Mary said to Peter.
Mary told...
5. The milk was so hot that the boy couldn't drink it.
The milk was...
6. He was very sad as he got a very bad mark in English.
If he...
7. You can't expect everyone in the village to help you, can you?
Not everyone...
8. There must be a good explanation for his absence.
9. People said she had passed the exam.
She was...

V. Read the text carefully and do the exercises below it (1 mark)

Everybody loves movies. We see them at theatres and we watch them on TV.
They are popular with children and adults, too. We can learn from them
or we can have a good time watching them.
We also call movies 'motion pictures'. 'Motion' is a noun for 'moving'.
People tried to show motion in pictures for centuries. Even prehistoric
artists showed animals running in theier cave pictures.
Near the end of the 19th century several Europeans and Americans tried
to make movies. No one knows who made the first one. New York City had
the first movie theatre in 1894. People put money in a small machine and
looked into it at the movie. By 1900, movies were popular all over
Europe and the United States. They were not very good, but people liked
them because they were new and different.
Every year people invented ways to make movies better. They invented
machines to show the pictures on a screen. Then everyone could see the
motion pictures on the front wall of a theatre instead of inside a small
machine. In 1927, inventors add sound to movies. Then they added color.
Today it costs several million dollars to make a movie. However, movie
makers collect million dollars from people at movie theatres because
everyone loves movies.

te T if the sentence is true, and F if it is false.

a. Children like movies, but most adults do not.
b. We can learn from motion pictures.
c. Prehistoric artists showed motion in the cave paintings.
d. An American made the first movie.
e. Movies were popular in Europe at the end of the 19th century.
f. Movies are the same today as they were in 1920.
g. Inventors added sound and color to movies at the same time.
h. It is expensive to make movies.

VI. Fill each of the numbered blanks with a suitable word (1.5 marks)

The country is more beautiful than __1__ town and pleasanter to live
__2__. Many people think __3__ and go to the country __4__ the summer
holidays __5__ they cannot live __6__ all the year round. Some have a
cottage __7__ in the village so that they can go there whenever they can
__8__ the time.
English villages are not all alike, but __9__ some ways they are not
very __10__ from each other. Most villages are so __11__ to some small
town that people can go there to buy __12__ they can't find in the
village shops.
Tài Sản của cungthuvn173
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Chữ ký của cungthuvn173

Sun May 15, 2011 3:08 pm
Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Aries

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 192
Vàng Vàng : 10343
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 233
Birthday* Birthday* : 07/04/1996
Join date Join date : 12/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Hội ♂£ừa ♠¯¶¯¥nh♀
Lớp trưởng
Lớp trưởng

Giới tính* : Nam

Zodiac* : Aries

Chinese zodiac* : Rat

Tổng số bài gửi Tổng số bài gửi : 192
Vàng Vàng : 10343
Được Thanks Được Thanks : 233
Birthday* Birthday* : 07/04/1996
Join date Join date : 12/05/2011
Age Age : 28
Đến từ Đến từ : Hội ♂£ừa ♠¯¶¯¥nh♀

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